Daniels Construction has vast experience constructing a wide range of utility and heavy civil projects. We specialize in challenging projects requiring in-house engineering, and extensive planning, utilizing practically every construction technique in the industry.
Daniels Construction and Weld-Tek constructed the new wastewater treatment facility adjacent to the existing facility in South Woodstock, VT. The facility includes a new operations building, headworks, and SBR equipment. Once completed, Daniels Construction decommissioned the existing facility and constructed a parking lot in its place. Key project features included a braced sheet pile excavation support system with tie-backs, over-excavation to bedrock to remove unsuitable material, and 400 cubic yards of concrete including 21-foot tall SBR tank walls.
North End Pump Station Replacement, Barre, VT
For this million-dollar project, Daniels Construction replaced a failed pump station with a new pump station on the opposite side of the road. We relocated the existing gravity sewer line to make room for the new pump station at the base of the adjacent slope, excavated down 18 feet, 9 feet of which was solid bedrock, installed the new precast pump station, valve pit, and 10-foot deep force main across Route 302. We also installed a 60 foot long Redi-Rock retaining wall, relocated 100 feet of waterline to the center of Route 302, reconstructed 100 feet of roadway and decommissioned the existing pump station.
Retreat Pump Station Replacement, Brattleboro, VT
Daniels constructed an entirely new pump station to replace the existing one upstream from the retreat next to a setback in the West River. The primary items included in the construction were: new three-phase electrical service, precast pump station 6’ diameter x 20’ deep with Duplex 25HP top-mounted vacuum priming pumps, precast grinder vault with hydraulic-driven “muffin monster,” 220’ x 8” gravity sewer, four sewer manholes and 50’ x 8” force main, newly paved parking lot, chain link fence as well as decommissioning the old pump station.
WE SpecializE In
•Pump Stations, Septic Systems
•Water & Wastewater Facilities
•Dams – Earth & Concrete
•Ski Trail & Snowmaking
•Hydroelectric Plants
•Dry Hydrants
•Rip Rap Slopes
•Retaining Walls
•MillWright Work
•Site Development
•Electrical Substations
•Communication Towers